Tips From a Heart Doctor To Maintain a Healthy Heart

Heart Doctor Boynton Beach, FL

A healthy heart is key to good overall health. Fortunately, heart doctors can provide advice to help patients improve and maintain their heart health. While this advice will be personalized to each patient, most will also benefit from incorporating a few general tips into their daily life.

Why heart health is important

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body. And when it is in poor health, serious adverse health events like stroke and heart attack can occur. Even less serious issues, such as chest pain, can result in a lower quality of life. Therefore, while maintaining heart health may require lifestyle changes, these changes can lead to a more comfortable, active life.

How to maintain heart health

As mentioned, a heart doctor can provide advice tailored to the patient’s health. While waiting for the appointment, the patient may find it helpful to follow a few simple tips. Check out these cardiologist-recommended tips below.

Try to eat heart-healthy foods

Eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables (especially leafy greens), and fish may improve heart health. Opting for lean meats such as chicken is also recommended. The goal is to get the nutrients the patient needs without overdoing it on cholesterol, sodium, and saturated and trans fats. Per the American Heart Association (AHA), some examples of foods to avoid include red meat, processed foods and meats, and anything with added sugar.

Incorporate cardio into your daily routine

Cardio exercises help get the heart pumping, improving its health in the long run. The AHA recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio a week. But what is considered moderate cardio? Essentially, any physical activity that brings a patient’s heart rate between 50 and 70 percent of their maximum heart rate can be considered moderate cardio. That means cardio for a patient may include walking, gardening, swimming, stretching, or biking, among others. Patients do not necessarily have to do 150 minutes of only one type of cardio; instead, they can mix and match exercises.

Start a night routine for better sleep

A good night’s sleep is crucial to heart health, but getting enough sleep regularly is easier said than done. Patients may find it easier to get enough sleep every night when they implement a nighttime routine to help them unwind and get ready for bed. Some try a skincare regimen; others have tea and read a book.

Cut back with mocktails

Most people know that smoking tobacco is bad for the heart, but not many bat an eye at alcohol. However, in excess, alcohol raises blood pressure. Per Johns Hopkins Medicine, excessive drinking may also affect the heart muscle and increase one’s risk of stroke and heart attack. Try to limit alcohol use in addition to quitting smoking. Those who have trouble cutting back at first may find it easier to start by ordering a mocktail instead of their usual alcoholic drink.

Get personalized advice from a heart doctor

Want to improve heart health? We can help. Call our Boynton Beach team to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist.

Request an appointment here: or call Florida Premier Cardiology at (561) 229-1411 for an appointment in our Boynton Beach office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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